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Sportswear 1920s Style

The 1910s and 1920s saw a huge rise in the popularity of casual clothing, and in stretch clothing, as women's new found rights and freedoms led to an increasingly active lifestyle. Enjoy my recently acquired pattern book for examples.

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What's In a Name? - Vintage Clothing Labels

Louisa Amelia Jane Vintage Fashion Store Sometimes I buy vintage clothing just because of the label on the garment. Obviously, one would do this if the label indicated it was a designer garment, but that's not usually the case. Along with the fabric, the label is the number one indicator that a garment is true vintage, and it's very annoying when the labels have been removed! But sometimes the label is just too cute to pass up, regardless of anything else. antique labels Generally speaking, antique clothing, that is garments at least 100 years old, does not have labels. In the early years of the 20th century commercial "off the rack" clothing was just starting to become available. Most clothing...

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Welcome to the New Store

It's exciting going out into the big wide world of cyber space all by yourself, and also a little daunting. I've been hanging onto Etsy's apron strings for five years now, so I guess it's time I ventured out by myself. I will be keeping the Etsy store as well though - lots of irons in the fire. Some of the items will be transferred over from Etsy, but most will be top quality new stock. There's a fabulous beaded flapper dress sitting here waiting to be listed, the gorgeous wedding shoes in the website cover photo, an exotic feather fan and lots more. There are also some great exhibitions coming up over the next few months. I can't wait...

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