What's What in Vintage Fashion

Have you ever wondered what vintage sellers are talking about when they speak of corset covers, camisoles, chemisettes, chemises and so on? Have you wondered why tap pants are called tap pants, and whether they're the same as French knickers? And what is a guimpe, for Heaven's sake?

I've set out upon what is proving to be the ambitious task of creating an illustrated glossary or companion to vintage fashion. After spending the weekend compiling a modest number of entries covering letters A-C I realise that this is going to be a labor of love and will evolve over a longer period of time. I've made it a fixed page on the website rather than a blog entry that may get lost down the list over time. It's one of a list of fashion history resources I am beginning to compile, and you can find it on the website's main menu under Resources.

A-C is now published, so check it out.

Vintage Fashion Glossary A-C



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